Thursday, November 15, 2012

Super Easy Pancake Puto

It is a few days before the most awaited Christmas holiday, and most of us are starting to plan for Noche Buena. That is why I decided to share one very easy to prepare food that everyone can enjoy. This is actually a family favorite and won't take you much time. Here's my Pancake puto recipe.


1 125g Pack Pan Cake Mix. (I prefer Maya Pancake Mix)
1 Medium egg
1/2 Cup Water
1 tbsp Oil/butter
Cheese strips



1. Beat Egg on a container then add Pan cake mix, Water and Oil. (Just make sure the mixture is thick so stick to the half cup of water or how much is on the direction in the pan cake mix. It is basically just like preparing a pan cake batter.)

2. Fill the mold with the mixture. Make sure it is just half filled.

3. Put Cheese strips on top.

4. Steam for 5-10 minutes, or until it has risen and cooked.

This is how it would look like.

This is how much 1 125g pack of mix can make.