Monday, December 17, 2012

Liliw, We Meet again!

I have mentioned on my last post, that we are planning to buy our Christmas shoes at Liliw. and last weekend, we did!! We visited the Shoe Lovers' Haven again. This time, we had more time I think, and we know where to go now, since it's our second time. We were able to buy 21 pairs of footwear for less than 4000.00 pesos, 2 pairs for each of us, we're 5 and some pasalubongs for office mates and family. I failed to take pictures, so I just grabbed 2 photos from my sister. I was too busy looking at all those shoes and forgot to take pictures. haha.

My new pair of wedges. I like orange as of the moment, so there you go... :) I think this is 3 inches high. I bought this for only PHP 320.00

Here are all the Footwear we bought this time. It's more affordable if you can buy in bulk, they sell in whole sale prices. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Affordable Shoes? Go to Liliw Laguna!!

It's my youngest sister's High school graduation, and she needed a pair of black shoes to wear on the special day. The problem is, her shoe size is too small (size 4 1/2) and we're having a really hard time looking for decent shoes that she can use. She needs one she can also use in College so she prefers a wedge. Someone told us, we can try going to Liliw Laguna.

Liliw is known for those affordable and durable shoes/footwear and with small and half sizes. So two weeks before graduation, we decided to visit the Municipality and look for shoes not only for her but for all of us. We have to make the most of it. It's still a 2 hour drive and we won't always be there.

Mama and Papa on our drive to Liliw. Too many zigzags.

When we arrived, I was amazed with the shoe stores just next to each other, so many colors, so many designs to choose from! Is this heaven?? lol!

Here's a sample of what we saw there. Almost all stores are this full of footwear and it made it really hard to choose.  .

My sister excited to buy her new pair of wedges.

Me posing with hundreds of shoes. I haven't really decided what to buy.

The Giant Slippers :)
After spending almost half of our day going to and fro searching for the best deals and prices... here are what we bought. A decent pair of black shoes for my graduating youngest sister, yellow wedges for my younger sis, black wedge sandals for myself, nude wedges for mama, 2 pairs of leather slippers from Badong (A famous shoe store in Liliw) for papa, Black Open toe slip on for Inay (lola) and wedge sandals for my tita's Birthday. We also bought a couple of floral slippers for pasalubong :)

The footwear we bought I'd say are really affordable. The price of the wedges, (which clearly is a favorite in the family, haha!) ranges from 150.00 PHP - 400.00 PHP, Similar shoes here in San Pablo would cost almost double, plus they have a lot of sizes :). The Leather Slippers I think is around 200 PHP. And the floral slippers cost 3 for 100 PHP. I would recommend it to anyone. It is truly a shoe shopping haven! We enjoyed our trip to Liliw, and we are planning to go back there for our Christmas shoes.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Frugal Living: My Story

I was born in a family who’s not financially inclined, but I would say we were never deprived. Our parents made sure we get what we need, and some extra. They also did a great job in showing us how life is really like, and I am thankful they did! It has helped me a lot growing up and until now. We were raised in a way that we understand the value of life beyond the material things we can buy. This developed the frugality in me :)

Being the eldest daughter (we’re three beautiful gals), I have to always be resourceful so I can help my parents even in my small ways. I’ve set my goals straight as early as Elementary days and that is, to graduate in College no matter what and get a good paying job. Then help my parents. My father then was a tricycle driver and my mom is a house wife. We had our ups and most of the time our downs financially, I have witnessed and experienced how hard life is, but these were not reasons to give up. Our parents did everything they can and we should too. We were sent to public schools, but this is not a problem at all! We just studied hard and we were on the top section, I learned a lot too! I enjoyed High school a lot! We applied for scholarships in College and luckily, we finished College (me and my 2nd sis) without almost paying for our tuition fee. I usually have packed lunch then to save for the projects and some part time jobs too. It was an awesome College experience. I don’t always have money to buy stuff but I always find a way, I have to! These experiences led me to frugality. Well, I graduated in College and landed a job, but I still am frugal. It’s now a way of life than a necessity. :)

Some people perceives being frugal as being deprived, but I think it’s the other way around. Being frugal for me is being resourceful, careful, penny-wise. You can actually have the things you need without costing you a lot, if you just check carefully. It’s having a lot of options with limited resources. If you are frugal, you are most likely to learn how to make things than buy things and eventually even earn from it. Who say’s frugal can’t be trendy ? J. I make my own accessories (and sell accessories); I cut my own bangs haha, I repair my clothes, I love trift shops! (You can be your unique you J). I also cook what I want to eat (that’s cheaper that way). So I think deprived is far from being frugal. You don’t have to deprive yourself, you have a choice! Go first for the things you need. You don’t want to spend everything in one item, if you can get more than that. I have basically everything I need and I get to save. That is the best part.

Well, that is basically my story. I just wanted to write something about it since the blog is about cheap chatting. Haha. So long!

Kamay ni Hesus, Lucban Quezon Surprise Getaway!! (All Saints Day 2012)

(Disclaimer: This is a photo loaded entry :D)

A long weekend is like a dream come true to me. Having been in the BPO industry for as long as I can remember (lol! Since graduation), I really seldom experience long weekends. And when the admin announced we'll be off for 2 days for All Saints Day and All Souls Day (Wednesday and Thursday) I immediately filed a leave for Friday and then my usual day off is weekend so that makes it a very long weekend. It's the first time I had 5 days off since I started working if I remember it right and I've got to make the most of it! :) My 5 days was spent bonding with the most valued people in my life: My family. We went to malls, we of course visited lolo and lola at the cemetery, I even made a flower arrangement myself. from flowers picked from the garden and Baby's Breath, which I think is the only cheap flower you can buy during the Halloween season (I'm not even sure they're flowers XD) Here's a photo. I'm really not good at flower arrangements, but I tried my best :)

OFF TOPIC: I just wanted to post it din. harhar!

Now the main topic. It was an enjoying weekend indeed! To complete the experience, it would be great if we can travel somehow. It was Friday when Papa told us his friend invited him to join them go to Kamay ni Hesus in Lucban Quezon on Saturday. We're like, that's tomorrow!! And we cannot decide if we will go or not. Well before the end of the day, we decided to go anyways :). Kamay ni Hesus is known for it's peaceful environment best for pilgrimage. Tourists go here to attend mass and enjoy the view.

THE CHALLENGE: Go to Kamay ni Hesus with a super limited budget. haha! We agreed that no one will buy anything. We are going there for the Mass and yes, for the view. This is our first time and we're all excited!

That morning of Saturday, we prepared and packed our supposedly breakfast so we won't have to buy food there. It's a 2 hour drive from San Pablo Laguna, and we arrived there just on time for a walk/climb on their famous Stations of the Cross while it's still cold. Here are our photos.

Me and my youngest sister at the entrance of Garden of Eden

Adam and Eve

There's this cute pond up there

Yes! you have to climb this, Good Luck! :)

That's me on top, I made it!!

Papa and Mama and NOAH's ARK this is my favorite
Noah's Ark isn't complete without the animals.

Us, after Mass. Well, we bought ice cream naman.

All in all, we really enjoyed the trip! Trips not planned are even more exciting :). We managed to not spend much, just the gas and the ice creams and we went home happy and contented. You really do not have to spend much on this kind of trip, the view alone, the relaxing environment and the people with with me is enough to enjoy. I look forward to going here again.

Oh and by the way, here's a map to Kamay ni Hesus! Map To Kamay ni Hesus

Black Crocheted Collar Necklace

I have posted the first collar necklace i made, (Mind you, I did not follow any pattern for that, I think, I am improving in my crocheting skills). I also posted a photo on my FB page and surprisingly, many liked it. yeahiiy!!! I let my sister borrow it and she wore it to work. Here's the exciting part! Her office mates liked it and ordered some. I did not expect I can even earn from this. but this time here's the photo of the first collar necklace I sold. I'm just soo happy. I have sold several PERSONALIZED collars now. They decide what color combinations to use so I'd say it's personalized. :D I haven't written a pattern yet, but if ever anyone's interested to know, just send me an email and I'll try my best to make one. wehehe...

My first client wanted her collar black. I just added some beads and a cute button on the center.

Monday, November 19, 2012

My Christmas Wishlist

Our company already announced the Christmas party date and we have drawn the names our monitos/monitas. We have a weekly Kris Kringle with very unique themes and by Christmas party, we need to give our babies the ultimate gift. They were asking us to make a wishlist just like the past years. The ultimate gift should be worth 700 PHP. I just thought it would be nice to post it here, and then send the link to all my FB friends and family, so they know what I want exactly haha. I am actually doing them a favor :) they will save a lot of thinking time. (As if they do not know yet. I always announce the things I like to people, so this will be sort of a reminder that THEY HAVE TO HAVE A GIFT FOR ME, OR ELSE...). harhar! Anyways, here are they:

1. Hanabishi Waffle Maker - I just love waffles!!! I'll accept other waffle maker brands, it's just that, this is the cheapest I guess. And that's my ultimate motto right? Save as mush as possible. LOL!

2. Pretty Beads, Stones + Yarns
Note: I intend to use this for my craft store business. So If you have your own business, I suggest you ask gifts that you need for that, it's a big less for you. And you'll be sure you to use it.

3.  A4tech Anti-glare Webcam PK7G
This is last on my list since I find it a little bit pricey. I really need a webcam though. I use this webcam model in the office and it's good compared to other brands I have used before. The price I think is worth it.

PS. Please feel free to email me if you need my address to ship the gifts. :) Merry Christmas every ALL! haha I mean Hoho... 


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Super Easy Pancake Puto

It is a few days before the most awaited Christmas holiday, and most of us are starting to plan for Noche Buena. That is why I decided to share one very easy to prepare food that everyone can enjoy. This is actually a family favorite and won't take you much time. Here's my Pancake puto recipe.


1 125g Pack Pan Cake Mix. (I prefer Maya Pancake Mix)
1 Medium egg
1/2 Cup Water
1 tbsp Oil/butter
Cheese strips



1. Beat Egg on a container then add Pan cake mix, Water and Oil. (Just make sure the mixture is thick so stick to the half cup of water or how much is on the direction in the pan cake mix. It is basically just like preparing a pan cake batter.)

2. Fill the mold with the mixture. Make sure it is just half filled.

3. Put Cheese strips on top.

4. Steam for 5-10 minutes, or until it has risen and cooked.

This is how it would look like.

This is how much 1 125g pack of mix can make.

crochet mama's blog: Faux Bow Headband free pattern

crochet mama's blog: Faux Bow Headband free pattern 

I have always wanted to make one of these. And I also want to learn how to make my own crocheting pattern. :) For now, thank you very much to Ms. Naida. for the free pattern! I love people who are super generous in giving patterns. I hope I'd have time to try this one this weekend.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Trendy Collar Necklace My way :)

Collar Necklace/detachable collar is a trend right now. I've seen some celebs wear it and I definite like how it adds a nice touch to a get up.You can wear a plain shirt/blouse and make it fab by wearing a collar necklace. Of course, being frugal does not mean being out of style. I decided I'd have to have at least one. Well, after some research on the net, I found I can have not just one, but as many as want. (Actually, as many as I can "make". But no, I am not buying. One collar usually costs 200-400 PHP, (not including shipping) and there is no way I am paying that amount for a collar.

I learned how to crochet just last year. And I would say, It is sooo addicting! haha. I can't stop sometimes. I am still not a pro, but I was able to make good stuff from the hobby. One of them is my very first collar necklace. Instead of spending 400 Pesos for the collar It only cost me 20 pesos for the 12 peso yarn and some beads for the necklace. All you need to invest is the skill and a little time w/ patience :). This took me less than an hour to make. So I'd say, it's best to try crafts sometimes. It will save you a lot!! For those who knows how to crochet, congratulations!! :)

See the photos of my very first crocheted collar necklace.

Vintage effect :)
Peter Pan Collar I think is what it's called

Friday, November 9, 2012

Mom's Birthday Surprise on a Limited budget? No Worries!

For my first post, I decided to share how we were able to have a small family feast for my mom's birthday. Her birthday is on the 16th of July, just a day after pay day, and I cannot remember exactly why we lack the funds to throw a more decent party for her. haha. But I think this is decent enough and enough to make her happy on her 46th year.

Here are what we prepared for her:

For her Cake, I asked my sister to buy a round cake from Mernel's.
Mernel's I would say is one of my most favorite cakes of all time! It's addicting actually. I can finish the whole round chocolate cake myself. The small round cake (10") costs 270 php.Compared to buying from other known bakeries, I think this is cheaper at the same time this tastes better (just me). I wanted to make the cake look more festive. Cupcakes on birthday cakes is a trend right now, and the cheaper alternative to that? I bought 1 pack of Whatta Tops!  These are cupcakes with chocolate on top and has chocolate fillings as well so I did not have to make frosting anymore. I bought candles, and printed her picture as cake topper. I just needed big plates and a stand, and this is how it looked like.

I know, this is not the best looking cake. But come on! It's cute! :P
Other food we served are:

Pica Pica My style.. :) This is comprised of Kikiam, Hotdogs and marshmallows. Not everyone love Kikiam though. This is for me and my sisters.

We also had Pancit canton. Just need veggies and a little chicken and pancit canton of course and you're good to go. This is cheaper compared to spaghetti. I'll try to make a post for the pansit recipe. It only cost me less than a hundred php.   
And of course. My puto (steamed cake) ... Everybody loved it! And it's super easy to make. I'll make a separate post for the recipe. This is actually a pancake puto. Made primarily from a Pan Cake Mix.This won't cost you more than 50 pesos :)

That's it! To make my most precious mom more happy, my youngest sis bought a rose (She said it cost her 15 pesos) and gave it to her when she arrived from church. And we all greeted her a happy Birthday. This small feast cost us less than 500 pesos with everything included. But the best part is, I saw she was happy :). 

I hope the post gave you an idea. Or helped you in any way. I will be posting the recipe for the Pansit and Puto next time. See yah!